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This website takes you through a process of assessing the significance of various forms of cultural heritage (quilts, medals, books, tractors, paintings, whole collections).

You do this by working your way through three case studies. When you have completed our three case studies we would like you to research an object of your own choosing. You will have many resources to help you.

The objective is that you can demonstrate research skills and document cultural material. The particular example of documenting cultural material that is chosen is 'Writing statements of significance'.

Using this website

This e-learning program acknowledges that the 2001 publication Significance: A guide to assessing the significance of cultural heritage objects and collections is utilized freely.  This was a Heritage Collections Council project undertaken by Roslyn Russell of Australian Heritage Projects and Kylie Winkworth on behalf of the Cultural Ministers Council.

Task iconWhen you see this icon, it means that there is a task for you to complete.