Case study two - step 4:

Explore the wider context of the item, historical, environmental or other

Consider its relationship to other objects, where it was used, the locality and how it relates to the history and geography of the area. Wherever possible, record the object or collection in its context of use and original location.

Cabbage tree hat example:

The cabbage tree palm, Livistona australis, is a distinctive feature of the Illawarra landscape. The palm tree figures in many 19th century illustrations and travellers’ descriptions of the region, and stands of cabbage palms are still prominent landmarks in the Illawarra. Every part of the cabbage tree palm was exploited by early settlers for housing, food, furniture and hats. The reference to Aboriginal people gathering palm ‘hands’ for plaiting gives an important insight into the co-existence and cooperation of Aboriginal people and European settlers in the Illawarra. The notes kept by the Society highlight some ways in which family income was supplemented by women making and selling hats. They point to trade routes and cultural relationships not documented in other sources.

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